The Pliking Community

I’ve been really grumpy lately.  I moved to Seattle 3 months ago, and I miss the deep blue skies and sunshine of Ogden, Utah.  I miss hiking to the waterfall and kayaking at Pineview.  But most of all, I miss the friends I made while Pliking.  Something about picking up disgusting trash together created a strong, intimate connection.

We shared life stories, laughter and tears while pliking.  We were there for one another when life was challenging – providing food or moving boxes, advice or a shoulder to lean on.  Before the pandemic, we went to the theatre and often met for a picnic or dinner.  We judged litter posters created by local schoolchildren, shared pliking information and equipment at Farmers Market booths, and competed to earn the Pliking 27 Challenge patch and t-shirt.

And we made a difference.  Over the past 3 years, we picked up mountains of trash, removed graffiti, cleared overgrown trails and pulled Dyers Woad and Goatshead. We experienced the satisfaction of seeing parks and trails remain cleaner than before, and the excitement of new plikers waving their first bag of trash.

While I have moved out of the area, the Pliking Club of Ogden remains strongly committed to their mission of “building clean, healthy and strong communities through promoting the sport of pliking.”  

And I remain strongly committed as well. 

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